The THEATRE GAMES workshop with Naimah Hassan explores movement, voice, text, and performance through acting, mimicry, pantomime, mindfulness techniques, and theatre. THEATRE GAMES helps children gain individual and communal experience with creative expression, public performance, and identity formation by allowing them to present their own narratives on stage. With guidance from Naimah students create their own presentations using space, voice, body movement, props, and other tools of theatre. Students develop storytelling and acting skills to share with each other in the classroom as well as in stage shows for their schoolmates, teachers, and fellow community members. The creativity and mindfulness imparted in THEATRE GAMES serves the children well in their standard schoolwork, and provides a solid foundation from which to conduct their daily lives.
From Meditation New York.
Naimah Hassan is a performance artist and certified New York City school teacher who focuses on theater education. Naimah has been nominated for a 2016 Tony Award for excellence in theatre education. She joined the SEQ ART KIDS teaching artists corps in 2015 and has worked with at-risk 3rd Graders and Kindergarteners at PS20K The Clinton Hill School. She holds a degree in Guidance and Counseling from West Virginia State Graduate School; has taught in a variety of Brooklyn public schools over the past twenty years; and appears regularly in Greenwich Village nightclubs as part of the comedy team Epstein & Hassan.